To Connect a device, other than your phone, computer, iPad to the network you need to submit a ticket to the Help Desk. 

To register a device, the Tech Office needs the following information:

  • The student's name and student number
  • The student's grade level
  • The student's dorm
  • The brand and model of the device; (Xbox series S, Ggoogle Alexa)
  • The Hardware or MAC wireless address of the device. This is a hexadecimal number (meaning it can use numbers 0-9 or letters A through G as part of the address) that will always be exactly twelve characters in length. This may appear in one of several formats:
    • aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff
    • 0a-1b-2c-3d-4e-5f

Hardware Mac Wireless addresses are often listed with the 'Network Settings' in your device setup.

Please note that some Internet-of-Things/Smart Devices (such as Google Alexa. or smart devices or devices that use an app on your phone) do not make the hardware address accessible except via an app on the user's smartphone. In those cases, we recommend bringing the device down to the Tech Office so we can help track down the hardware address with you.

Once a device is registered, you can connect it to the BA-Devices Wireless network. It will ask for a password -- the password is bobcat15